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        2019 河南理工大学第四批在线开放课程建设:常微分方程,参与第五

        2018 教育部产学合作协同育人项目:以应用为导向的理工科高等数学教学改革研究,主持


        2019 全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛 全国一等奖

        2019 全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛 华中赛区特等奖

        2019 全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛 河南赛区特等奖

        2019 河南省本科高等学校青年教师数学教学技能竞赛 一等奖

        2019 指导学生获得河南省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 三等奖

        2019 指导学生获得全国中国机器人大赛 二等奖一项,三等奖三项

        2018 河南理工大学“三大杯”教学竞赛 力行杯二等奖

科学研究Scientific Research


        2019/01-2022/12 年龄与异质对酗酒影响的建模与分析 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目合作项目

        2018/01-2021/12 拟线性椭圆方程解的性质研究 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目合作项目

        2016/01-2017/12 反应扩散系统的分支和稳态解 河南省教育厅 主持

        2013/01-2016/12 非局部扩散方程的稳态问题与时空传播 国家自然科学基金面上项目参与


  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Hai-Feng Huo, Hong Xiang, Spatiotemporal patterns induced by delay and cross-fractional diffusion in a predator-prey model describing intraguild predation, Math Meth Appl Sci. 43 (2020), 5179-5196.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Spatiotemporal dynamics of a diffusive Leslie-Gower Prey predator model with strong Allee effect,  Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications , 50 (2019),  651-674.
  • Shao-Wen Yao, Zhan-Ping Ma, Zhi-Bo Cheng Pattern formation of a diffusive predator-prey model with strong Allee effect and nonconstant death rate, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (2019) 121350.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Jie Liu, Jia-Long Yue, Spatiotemporal dynamics induced by delay and diffusion in a predator–prey model with mutual interference among the predator, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 75(2018) , 3488-3507.
  • Shao-Wen Yao, Zhan-Ping Ma, Jia-Long Yue, Bistability and Turing pattern induced by cross fraction diffusion in a predator-prey model, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 509 (2018), 982-988.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Hai-Feng Huo, Hong Xiang, Hopf bifurcation for a delayed predator-prey diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary condition, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 311 (2017), 1-18.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Wan-Tong Li, Yu-Xia Wang, Spatiotemporal patterns induced by cross-diffusion in a three-species food chain model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27 (2017), 15 pages.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Yu-Xia Wang,Bifurcation of positive solutions for a three-species food chain model with diffusion, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 74(2017), 3271-3282.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma, Jia-Long Yue, Competitive exclusion and coexistence of a delayed reaction-diffusion system modeling two predators competing for one prey,  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 71 (2016), 1799-1817.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma,Stability and Hopf Bifurcation for a Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion Population Model with Delay Effect, Appl. Math. Modell., 37 (2013), 5984-6007.
  • Zhan-Ping Ma,Wan-Tong Li, Bifurcation Analysis on a Diffusive Holling-Tanner Predator-Prey Model,  Appl. Math. Modell., 37 (2013), 4371-4384. 
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