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    7.Fan China Exchange Program,美国数学会,3000美元,2009.1-2009.12。
    8.变密度不可压流体动力学方程组Cauchy问题的适定性研究,河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划,编号:2009HASTIT007, 2009.1-2013.3。
    1. 流体力学方程的数学问题,2021年获河南省教育厅科技成果奖壹等奖,排名第一。
    2. 流体力学方程的数学问题,获得2021年度河南省自然科学奖叁等奖,排名第一。
    1.原保全,拜琳娜,论文“Remarks on global regularity of 2D generalized MHD equations”2015年获河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖2015年。
    2.原保全,张波,论文“Blow-up Criterion of Strong Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Negative Index Besov Spaces,”获2008年河南省教育系统科研奖教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
    3.原保全,论文“The Cauchy problems and global solutions to the Deybe system and Burgers’ equations in pseudomeasure spaces” 获2008年河南省教育系统科研奖教育厅优秀科技论文二等奖。获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。
    4.原保全,“The Dissipative Quasi-geostrophic Equation in Weak MorreySpaces” 获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。
    6.原保全,Regularity Condition of Solutions to the Quasi-geostrophic Equations in Besov Spaces with Negative indices,河南省首届(2011年)自然科学学术奖二等奖。
    7.原保全,On Regularitu Criteria for Weak Solutions to the Micropolar Fluid Equations in Lorentz Space,河南省首届(2011年)自然科学学术奖二等奖。
    1.原保全,张颖,非齐次 Besov 空间中 d 维无热耗散热带气候模型局部弱解的存在唯一性, 中国科学 数学,2022年
    2.Baoquan Yuan; Panpan Zhang, Global well-posedness for the 3D magneto-micropolar equations with fractional dissipation. New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 51 (2021), 119–130.
    3.Baoquan Yuan, Xia Chen, Global regularity for the 3D tropical climate model with damping, Applied Mathematics Letters, 121 (2021), 107439.
    4.BaoquanYuan, Ying Zhang, Global strong solution of the 3D tropical climate model with damping, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, June 16 (2021) (3), 889-900.
    5.Xueli Ke, Baoquan Yuan, Yamin Xiao, Stability problem for the 3D magnetohydrodynamic equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia Acta Mathematica Scientia, 41(4) (2021), 1107-1118。
    6.Fengping Li, Baoquan Yuan, Global well-posedness of the 3D generalized Navier-Stokes equations with fractional partial dissipation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 171 (2021), 20, pp1-16.
    7.Panpan Zhang, Baoquan Yuan, An improved regularity criterion for the 3D magneto-micropolar equations in homogeneous Besov space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 499 (2021), 125022.
    8.Baoquan Yuan, Yamin Xiao, Temporal decay of a global solution to 3D magnetohydrodynamic system in critical spaces, Journal of Evolution Equations, 21 (2021), 1-15.
    9.Baoquan Yuan,Yamin Xiao, Liouville-type theorems for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes, MHD and Hall-MHD equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 491 (2020), 124343, pp1-10
    10.Baoquan Yuan, Qiang Li, Note on global regular solution to the 3D liquid crystal equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 109 (2020), 106491, pp1-6.
    11.Li Qiang, Baoquan Yuan, Blow-up criterion for the 3D nematic liquid crystal flows via one velocity and vorticity components and molecular orientations, AIMS Mathematics, 5(1)(2020), 619–628.
    12.Yamin Xiao, Baoquan Yuan, Qiuyue Zhang, Temporal decay estimate of solutions to 3D generalized magnetohydrodynamic system, Applied Mathematics Letters, 98 (2019), 108-113. 
    13.Baoquan Yuan, Chaoying Li, The 3D incompressible Hall- magneto-hydrodynamics equations with partial hyperdissipation, Applied Mathematics and Computation,359 (2019) 308-332。
    14.Baoquan Yuan, Yuanyuan Qiao, Global regularity of 2D Leray-alpha regularized incompressible magneto-micropolar equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 474 (2019) (1), 492-512.
    15.Daoguo Zhou, Zilai Li, Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Baoquan Yuan, Jiefeng Zhao, Global well-posedness for the 2D fractional Boussinesq Equations in the subcritical case, Pacific J. Math., 298 (2019), 233-255.
    16.Baoquan Yuan, Yun Liu, Global existence and decay rate of strong solution to incompressible Oldroyd type model equations, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathatics, 48 (2018) (5), 1703-1720.
    17.Baoquan Yuan, Chaoying Li, Global regularity for a class of generalized Hall magneto-hydrodynamics equations, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 8 (2018) (4), 1143-1158.
    18.Baoquan Yuan, Jiefeng Zhao, Global Regularity of 2D almost resistive MHD Equations, Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 41 (2018), 53-65.
    19.Baoquan yuan, Guoquan Qin, A blowup criterion for the 2D k-epsilon model equations for turbulent flows, Kinetic and Related Models, 9 (2016) (4), 777-796.
    20.原保全,马丽,磁微极流体方程组在临界Sobolev空间强解的存在性,应用数学学报,39 (2016) (5), 709-718.
    21.Baoquan Yuan, Rui Li, The Blowup Criterion of Smooth Solution to the Generalized Incompressible Viscoelastic Flow, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 38 (2015) (17), 4132-4139.
    22.Baoquan Yuan, Linna Bai, L^2- asymptotic stability of the mild solution to the 3D MHD equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269 (2015), 443-455.
    23.Chongsheng Cao, Jiahong Wu, Baoquan Yuan, The 2D incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations with only magnetic diffusion, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,46 (2014) (1), 588-602.
    24.Baoquan Yuan, Xiaokui Zhao, Blowup criteria for the 2D full compressible MHD system, Applicable Analysis, 93 (2014), 1339-1357.
    25.Baoquan Yuan, Note on the blowup criterion of smooth solution to the incompressible viscoelastic flow, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, 33 (2013) (5), 2211-2219.
    26.Baoquan Yuan, On the regularity criteria of weak solutions to the micropolar fluid equations in Lorentz space,Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, 138 (2010), 2025-2036.
    27.原保全, Boussinesq 方程组在Besov 空间中局部解存在性和延拓准则,数学学报中文版,Vol. 53 (2010) (3),455-468.
    28.Baoquan Yuan,Jia Yuan, Global well-posedness of incompressible flow in porous media with critical diffusion in Besov spaces,J. Differential Equations 246 (2009) 4405-4422.
    29.原保全, 非线性抛物椭圆方程组的正则解和奇异解,数学物理学报,28 (2008) (4),627-635.
    30.Baoquan Yuan, Regularity criterion of weak solutions to the MHD system based on vorticity and electric current in negative index Besov spaces, 数学进展, 37 (2008) (4), 451-458.
    31.Baoquan Yuan, Bo Zhang, Blow-up Criterion of Strong Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Negative Index Besov Spaces,J. Differential Equations,242 (2007),1-10.
    32.苗长兴,原保全,弱Morrey 空间与Navier-Stokes方程的强解,中国科学 A辑,37 (2007)(8), 993-1008.



主要研究偏微分方程和数学流体力学中的偏微分方程,主持完成3项国家自然科学基金项目《现代物理中一些流体力学方程的研究》和《可压缩流体力学方程的数学研究》和《一些流体力学方程的数学研究》、1项《数学流体力学方程天元数学交流项目》、2项国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目、河南省科技创新杰出青年项目《Navier-Stokes方程及相关流体力学方程的研究》、河南省高校科技创新人才《变密度不可压流体动力学方程组Cauchy问题的适定性研究》、中国博士后科学基金《流体力学方程组的数学研究》、河南省基础与前沿项目《调和分析方法在非线性发展方程中的应用》等项目10余项。在中国科学、数学学报、数学进展、应用数学学报、Journal of Differential Equations,Nonlinear analysis TMA、Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems、Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications、Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences等国内外学术期刊发表学术论文70余篇。
1. 数学流体力学方程天元数学交流项目,国家自然科学基金,编号:11726506,2018.1-2018.12。
2. 一些流体力学方程的数学研究,国家自然科学基金编号:1147110,2015.1-2018.12。 
3. 非线性偏微分方程与动力系统国际学术研讨会,国家自然科学基金对外交流合作项目,编号:11301301057,2013.1-2013.12。
4. 可压缩流体力学方程的数学研究,国家自然科学基金,编号:11071057,2011.1-2013.12。
5. Navier-Stokes方程及相关流体力学方程的研究,河南省科技创新杰出青年计划,编号:104100510015,2010.01-2013.06。
6. 2009偏微分方程及其应用国际研讨会,国家自然科学基金对外交流合作项目,编号:10910301066,2009.1-2009.12。
7. Fan China Exchange Program,美国数学会,3000美元,2009.1-2009.12。
8. 变密度不可压流体动力学方程组Cauchy问题的适定性研究,河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划,编号:2009HASTIT007, 2009.1-2013.3。
9. 现代物理中一些流体力学方程的研究,国家自然科学基金,编号:10771052,2008.1-2010.12。
10. 偏微分方程及其反问题的研究,河南理工大学博士基金,编号:B2008-62,2006年。
11. 流体力学方程组的数学研究,中国博士后科学基金,编号:20060390530,2006.1-2007.12。
12. 调和分析方法在非线性发展方程中的应用,河南省科技厅自然科学基金,编号:0611055500,2006.4-2010.12。
13. 非线性发展方程的Cauchy问题及自相似解,河南省教育厅自然科学基金,编号:200510460008,2005.5-2007.12。
14. 非线性抛物型方程及Navier-Stokes方程的数学研究,河南省青年骨干教师项目,2003.9-2006.9。 
1. Fengping Li, Baoquan Yuan, Global well-posedness of the 3D generalized Navier-Stokes equations with fractional partial dissipation, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 171 (2021), 20, pp1-16.
2. Panpan Zhang, Baoquan Yuan, An improved regularity criterion for the 3D magneto-micropolar equations in homogeneous Besov space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 499 (2021), 125022, pp1-11.
3. Baoquan Yuan, Yamin Xiao, Temporal decay of a global solution to 3D magnetohydrodynamic system in critical spaces, Journal of Evolution Equations, 21 (2021), 1-15.
4. Baoquan Yuan,Yamin Xiao, Liouville-type theorems for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes, MHD and Hall-MHD equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 491 (2020), 124343, pp1-10
5. Baoquan Yuan, Qiang Li, Note on global regular solution to the 3D liquid crystal equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 109 (2020), 106491, pp1-6.
6. Li Qiang, Baoquan Yuan, Blow-up criterion for the 3D nematic liquid crystal flows via one velocity and vorticity components and molecular orientations, AIMS Mathematics, 5(1)(2020), 619–628.
7. Yamin Xiao, Baoquan Yuan, Qiuyue Zhang, Temporal decay estimate of solutions to 3D generalized magnetohydrodynamic system, Applied Mathematics Letters, 98 (2019), 108-113.
8. Baoquan Yuan, Chaoying Li, The 3D incompressible Hall- magneto-hydrodynamics equations with partial hyperdissipation, Applied Mathematics and Computation,359 (2019) 308-332。
9. Baoquan Yuan, Yuanyuan Qiao, Global regularity of 2D Leray-alpha regularized incompressible magneto-micropolar equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 474 (2019) (1), 492-512.
10. Daoguo Zhou, Zilai Li, Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Baoquan Yuan, Jiefeng Zhao, Global well-posedness for the 2D fractional Boussinesq Equations in the subcritical case, Pacific J. Math., 298 (2019), 233-255.
11. Baoquan Yuan, Yun Liu, Global existence and decay rate of strong solution to incompressible Oldroyd type model equations, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathatics, 48 (2018) (5), 1703-1720.
12. Baoquan Yuan, Chaoying Li, Global regularity for a class of generalized Hall magneto-hydrodynamics equations, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 8 (2018) (4), 1143-1158.
13. Baoquan Yuan, Jiefeng Zhao, Global Regularity of 2D almost resistive MHD Equations, Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 41 (2018), 53-65.
14. Baoquan yuan, Guoquan Qin, A blowup criterion for the 2D k-epsilon model equations for turbulent flows, Kinetic and Related Models, 9 (2016) (4), 777-796.
15. 原保全,马丽,磁微极流体方程组在临界Sobolev空间强解的存在性,应用数学学报,39 (2016) (5), 709-718.
16. Baoquan Yuan, Rui Li, The Blowup Criterion of Smooth Solution to the Generalized Incompressible Viscoelastic Flow, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 38 (2015) (17), 4132-4139.
17. Baoquan Yuan, Linna Bai, L^2- asymptotic stability of the mild solution to the 3D MHD equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 269 (2015), 443-455.
18. Chongsheng Cao, Jiahong Wu, Baoquan Yuan, The 2D incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations with only magnetic diffusion, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,46 (2014) (1), 588-602. 
19. Baoquan Yuan, Xiaokui Zhao, Blowup criteria for the 2D full compressible MHD system, Applicable Analysis, 93 (2014), 1339-1357. 
20. Baoquan Yuan, Note on the blowup criterion of smooth solution to the incompressible viscoelastic flow, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, 33 (2013) (5), 2211-2219.
21. Baoquan Yuan, On the regularity criteria of weak solutions to the micropolar fluid equations in Lorentz space,Proceedings of American Mathematical Society, 138 (2010), 2025-2036.
22. 原保全, Boussinesq 方程组在Besov 空间中局部解存在性和延拓准则,数学学报中文版,Vol. 53 (2010) (3),455-468.
23. Baoquan Yuan,Jia Yuan, Global well-posedness of incompressible flow in porous media with critical diffusion in Besov spaces,J. Differential Equations 246 (2009) 4405-4422.
24. 原保全, 非线性抛物椭圆方程组的正则解和奇异解,数学物理学报,28 (2008) (4),627-635.
25. Baoquan Yuan, Regularity criterion of weak solutions to the MHD system based on vorticity and electric current in negative index Besov spaces, 数学进展, 37 (2008) (4), 451-458.
26. Baoquan Yuan, Bo Zhang, Blow-up Criterion of Strong Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Negative Index Besov Spaces,J. Differential Equations,242 (2007),1-10.
27. 苗长兴,原保全,弱Morrey 空间与Navier-Stokes方程的强解,中国科学 A辑,37 (2007)(8), 993-1008.
1. 流体力学方程的数学问题,2021年获河南省教育厅科技成果奖壹等奖。
1. 原保全,拜琳娜,论文“Remarks on global regularity of 2D generalized MHD equations”2015年获河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖2015年。
2. 原保全,张波,论文“Blow-up Criterion of Strong Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in Negative Index Besov Spaces,”获2008年河南省教育系统科研奖教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
3. 原保全,论文“The Cauchy problems and global solutions to the Deybe system and Burgers’ equations in pseudomeasure spaces” 获2008年河南省教育系统科研奖教育厅优秀科技论文二等奖。获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。
4. 原保全,“The Dissipative Quasi-geostrophic Equation in Weak MorreySpaces” 获河南省第十届(2010年)自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。
5. 原保全,Boussinesq方程组在Besov空间中局部解存在性和延拓准则,河南省首届(2011年)自然科学学术奖二等奖。
6. 原保全,Regularity Condition of Solutions to the Quasi-geostrophic Equations in Besov Spaces with Negative indices,河南省首届(2011年)自然科学学术奖二等奖。
7. 原保全,On Regularitu Criteria for Weak Solutions to the Micropolar Fluid Equations in Lorentz Space,河南省首届(2011年)自然科学学术奖二等奖。
8. 原保全,磁流体方程组弱解在负指标Besov空间中基于旋度和电流的正则性准则,获2010年河南省教育系统科研奖教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖。
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