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        主要研究方向: 随机微分方程,生物数学。



        2020年01月--2021年12月,Markovian转换随机系统的长期动力学行为, 河南理工大学基本科研业务专项(NSFRF200321),6万,主持.


        [1] Sheng Wang, Guixin Hu, Tengda Wei, Linshan Wang, Permanence of hybrid competitive Lotka–Volterra system with Levy noise, Physica A 540 (2020) 123116.

        [2]Guixin Hu, Kuanhou Tian, On hybrid stochastic population models with impulsive perturbations, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2019, 13(1), 385-406.

        [3] Guixin Hu, The explicit expression of non-trivial stationary distribution  of SDEs under regime switching, Applied Mathematics Letters, 107 (2020) 106479.

        [4] Weiming Ji, Guixin Hu*, Stability and explicit stationary density of a stochastic single-species model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 390 (2021) 125593.

        [5] Weiming Ji, Zhaojuan Wang, Guixin Hu*, Stationary distribution of a stochastic hybrid phytoplankton model with allelopathy, Advances in Difference Equations (2020) 2020:632

        [6] Famei Zheng, Guixin Hu*, Dynamical Behaviors of a Stochastic Single Species Model with Allee Effffects, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-021-09874-6.


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